Shit I’m Into Right Now | V.2
For V.1, click here.
Otherwise I’ll dive right in and avoid reminding you this is for informational purposes only, and not because I think I’m special.
1. LMNT Recharge Electrolytes
If you’re a current subscriber of mine or someone who follows along on Instagram, you’ve seen the giveaway I’ve done on this product and also potentially received some free samples from me in the recent months. There’s a reason.
Quick recap: LMNT (pronounced “element”) is an electrolyte powder mix that can be added to water, coffee, smoothies, shakes, yogurt bowls — you name it. It comes in a variety of flavors. The original ones are raspberry, citrus, orange, and unflavored. The brand has recently launched a “Fiesta Pack” variety that includes lemon habanero, mango chili, and chocolate (the first two are great additions to cocktails or spritzers, the last is phenomenal in coffee!).
So what are electrolytes? They are electrically charged (meaning each atom has a net positive or negative charge on it, depending on the gain or loss of an electron) versions of elements, such as sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, etc.
The LMNT brand, specifically, contains a mix of sodium, magnesium, and potassium in a ratio that is preferred by your body’s cells and fluids for proper electric balance.
Why is it necessary, though?
Well, sadly, for the last 50+ years, we’ve been wrongly told that salt is the root of all health evil. The truth is we NEED the elements in salt (and others) to function. Literally.
We can’t even engage our muscles to make a movement without these precious elements because the signals between our brain and muscles need them in order to “send.” Our cell membranes need them to keep the borders and internal contents intact. Our hormones need them to help us get better sleep at night. We even need them to make energy inside our cells!
There’s some truth to the old adage about salt being bad, though, but only under the condition that 70% of the salt intake for most Americans comes from processed, packaged foods. (And if you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know I regularly dive deep into why processed food is bad for your health.) The salt in these fake foods is not high-quality and comes loaded with processed sugars, additives, and trans fats. THAT is the culprit of bad health, not sodium itself.
Furthermore, for the folks who have removed processed foods from their diets, their salt needs are even greater than that of standard American dieters. Why? Because removing those fake foods by proxy removes a lot of carbohydrates from the diet (which, overall, is a good thing), and the kidneys begin to excrete more sodium and other electrolytes from the blood into the urine — meaning your cellular fluids have way less electrolytes to work with, which need replacing. This is a normal process, just chemistry in action.
Enter LMNT — the mix that not only puts the proper electrolytes back into balance, but tastes good to boot. Like really good. Like I put some in every water-bottle-refill good.
I’ve even started adding some to my evening hot tea while the hubs and I watch some TV. I sleep more soundly, my muscles recover quicker from my workouts, they help get rid of headaches and hangovers… need I say more?
Click my referral link here to take a look at what they have to offer, and maybe give their sampler pack a try before you commit to a whole box!
2. Resistant starch
The term “carbohydrate” is a catch-all for all sugars, starches, and fibers. Sugars are what they call “simple” carbs, and are easy to spot — glucose, fructose, etc. Starches are “complex” carbs like sweet potatoes and legumes. Fiber is also complex, but cannot be digested in the human GI tract.
There are two kinds of fiber — soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and can be better utilized by the body, whereas insoluble fiber travels through the digestive tract almost in whole-form, because we are unable to absorb or utilize it at all.
Resistant starch behaves in our GI tracts like a combination of both types of fiber: it is resistant to the digestive process itself, however once it reaches the large intestine (where those healthy probiotics live), they begin to act like soluble fiber and are consumed by the resident flora there.
Do you currently or have you ever taken a probiotic supplement? Resistant starch directly feeds the good gut bacteria we work so hard to cultivate in our colons. Anything that feeds the microbiome is called a “prebiotic.” So the good probiotic flora that live there break down this fuel source, use it for fuel, and pump out byproducts called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These go on to support the health of the cells that line the colon. This improves the health of the gut lining to keep us functioning properly.
Not only are these commensal bacteria turning our relationship into a symbiotic one, but the SCFAs produced after the probiotics consume the resistant starch also help keep us full longer, keep us responsive to insulin (which is a good thing — insulin RESISTANCE is the undesirable outcome), and give us a better night’s sleep.
I’ve been consuming more of this starch to keep my gut bugs well-fed. I’ve had issues in the last six months or so with getting my microbiome on track without wavering too much. I realized my problem was a lack of resistant starch — I was heavy-hitting the probiotic supplements and foods, but not giving them enough sustenance to live on, and therefore they weren’t sticking around long enough.
If that isn’t enough reason to consider it, it’s also just a healthy carbohydrate you can add without fear of affecting your stress, blood sugar, or insulin levels. I’ve been loving Ali Miller’s PhytoFiber as well as Natural Stacks’ Prebiotic+. (I may have a discount code for Natural Stacks, so get in touch with me for that if you’re looking at buying some!)
For those of you interested in getting it from more whole foods, beware that many people begin incorporating improperly prepared foods and grains to meet this resistant starch goal, and that’s not something I’d personally recommend to my clients. You can buy unripe, green bananas, plantains, cooked-and-quickly-cooled rice, and raw potato starch (often found in powdered form).
For sample size determination and symptom management in general (resistant starch can cause gas if not done properly) I recommend having a nutritionist as your guide. But this stuff is pretty great and has changed my world AROUND.
Literally have no idea why this image is so big and I can’t get it to shrink. So here it is. Lol #RealLife
3. Adaptiv — a new essential oil blend by doTERRA
As you may or may not know by now, I am a representative for doTERRA, so my input here is biased… but it’s also all I know, because I’m a rep and because their products are so top-notch.
This is one of the brand’s newer signature blends, and I have it in this traditional 15mL dropper bottle, a roll-on bottle for on-the-go, and capsules for internal relief when I need more support.
It’s the perfect blend for focus and calm, which are two things I definitely need more of these days. As 2020 comes to a close, I’m planning out my personal and business goals for 2021, and of course have no idea what the year will truly bring — look what happened THIS year! Even the best-laid plans can get absolutely obliterated by a global pandemic…
No day, no tomorrow, no time at all… is ever guaranteed. And quite frankly, at this point, that kinda scares the shit outta me and has only driven me deeper into loving more, working harder, and staying ahead of my stress. This mindset isn’t easy, especially when there have been so many challenges. Adaptiv is my backup, my relief… getting me through to the next adventure with an open mind and curious heart.
It helps me keep my attention (AKA it’s not a “rock-me-to-sleep” blend), but still calms the vagus nerve and uplifts the spirit. doTERRA describes it as sweet, citrus-y, and floral. Agreed.
It incorporates Wild Orange, Lavender, Copaiba, Spearmint, Magnolia, Rosemary, Neroli, and Sweetgum.
If you’re interested in checking it out or placing any orders, you can click here.
4. Primally Pure deodorant
When I first got started on my health journey back in 2012, I did what made sense as a newbie: I removed all the processed foods from my life, started incorporating more healthy fats, and focused on organic sources for all things. As with many people on this trajectory, “organic” sources eventually included beauty and skincare products.
I’m not even kidding you… I wanna say that since that time, I’ve tried at least 14 or 15 different kinds of natural deodorant brands. Almost every single one was a huge failure for me.
Why? My skin is sensitive, so higher baking soda content irritated it. Why part 2? I sweat like a dude. Some brands couldn’t handle moisture well, others hardly helped with masking the scent, and some simply wiped off on my shirt sleeves throughout the day and did absolutely nothing else.
It was extremely frustrating, to say the least. So much so that I eventually went back to regular, store-bought deodorant for a while. You know, the ones full of aluminum and other chemical additives that have been linked to hormone disruption and, potentially-more-like-probably, cancer.
Now, Primally Pure isn’t the only brand I’ve found that works, luckily. In my old age, I’ve tried them all (like I mentioned — you should see the cabinet in my bathroom — tons of deodorants that don’t work for me) and I’ve thankfully found that doTERRA’s deodorant also works for me in terms of moisture, scent, and durability. But I like to change things up every once in a while. I keep doTERRA in my purse and toiletry bag while saving Primally Pure for more day-to-day use.
And I may or may not have bought every scent Primally Pure has to offer on Black Friday. Whoops.
But for real! It’s so soothing, causes zero irritation, and handles sweat like I’ve never seen. I do find that, since I’m a more actively sweating human even when at rest (lol), I do re-apply sometime after business hours, before my workout. Otherwise half the time I forget to put it on after my evening shower and you’d be none the wiser.
What I love is that the smaller size deodorant lasts me about two months (more if I get a popsicle stick and scrape the container — this seriously makes the product stretch a third month, I swear) and in that regard, is so, so, so affordable and worthwhile.
You can click here and use code “elise10” at checkout for 10% off your order! (I LOVE when I get to offer you discounts on the things I love and recommend!)
5. Dried figs
I know this sounds weird (and they LOOK weird) but hear me out!
I guess I’m just in a season of extra carbohydrate intake, but this stuff TASTES like the holidays.
If you’ve never had them before, you can probably pick up a container or wheel of these at your local grocer pretty easily. They basically look like giant brown raisins. And they’re to die for.
Honestly, I’ve also been digging dried dates as well, eating both with sunflower seed butter and hot tea in the evenings. Such a combo. Don’t knock it til you try it.
This is a cool article talking about tons of different uses for them. To be fair I’ve only ever eaten them because they’re delicious and nutritious, but I’m not saying no to new opportunities!