Nutritional Foundations

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Shit I’m Into Right Now | V.1

Welcome to the kickoff post for “shit I’m into.” The title was originally going to be something along the lines of “Things I’m Loving” but I figured I’d be more true to myself. ;)

This may not interest you whatsoever and that’s fine. You don’t have to read.

I’m not at ALL a narcissist, either. I swear. (Most of the time I feel completely invisible which is 100% okay with #Enneagram6w5 anyone?)

But I’ve been asked by clients and friends alike what my favorite products, services, or self-care/biohacking rituals are as a nutrition and public health professional… and instead of keeping a running list in my Bullet Journal, I decided to make a series about it, because this stuff is constantly changing and I’m always trying something new.

I like trying new things to experiment as an n=1 to see how far I can take my health, and I like reporting back about it! But I also try new things because I can’t (and won’t) whole-heartedly recommend things to my clients that I haven’t tried myself. I want to be fully transparent.

That being said…

Shit I’m Into Right Now | V.1

Keto bread

I know, I know… if you hear the word “keto” one more time you’re gonna dropkick someone. But hear me out.

(And for those who aren’t sure or need a quick keto refresher: a ketogenic diet is an extremely low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein diet where the aim is to eat ~20ish grams of carbs, or less, per day. This puts you into a metabolic state called ketosis, where you primarily switch to burning ketones (from fats) for fuel, instead of running solely on glucose (from carbs). If you’re wondering why someone may want to do this, contact me directly.)

I don’t eat super low-carb regularly, and in fact I’m not shooting to be in ketosis most of the time.

However, I do notice my sleep, athletic performance, and mental state are much more efficient when I’m eating primarily higher fat and protein, and capping my total daily carbs at 75-80g. This is not ketogenic-level, but is still considered lower-carb than the average American.

Unfortunately I also love the mouthfeel and comfort of bread. I just hate the way traditional breads make me feel (AKA gluten is a big no-no) and bread mixes from popular gluten-free companies are oftentimes higher in carbohydrate -- I’m talking 15-20g per slice, and, like I said, I like to keep my carbs under 80g per day, mostly coming from fruits and vegetables.

What to do?

Enter the best keto bread recipe there ever was.

Okay that’s dramatic, but it’s the truth. It’s quick, requires very few ingredients, and is 100% whole read food. Enjoy, and tell me what you think!

Devoting time to read

You’d think with all that time during quarantine, we’d all have read a shit ton of books in 2020.

And maybe for some of you that’s actually true. Not me, sadly.

I’m mad at myself for not taking advantage of the opportunity, although hindsight is 2020 (yikes -- awful coincidence) and while the world was still learning about the virus, I -- like many others -- went to my normal coping mechanisms of TV and movie series binges, board games with my husband, and long walks outside. I wasn’t worried about furthering my business or personal development.

Now I wish I had, but I have to honor March-2020 Elise just as much as present-day Elise.

And now I’m prioritizing reading -- for the aforementioned personal development, for continuing education, and for pure bliss and entertainment. I have books of all genres on my shelf waiting to be read, and I’m setting aside time to do so on a semi-daily basis (life happens, okay?).

It’s a skill that is relaxing, familiar, and comforting. You should try it, even if you don’t consider yourself a good reader or someone who even enjoys reading -- prioritize time every day (nighttime seems to benefit most folks) and just pick up a book you’ve been meaning to read, or one you’ve been meaning to finish. Give yourself 10-15 minutes if that’s all you can spare. See how it balances you over the longer-term.

It’s the habit that counts… and, of course, allowing yourself to get parasympathetic.

Glass water bottle

Easily purchased on Amazon (or any store you’d rather support), and so great!

I normally use a stainless steel bottle, and still oftentimes do. But when it’s being washed and air dried, I transition to my glass one for a bit, and just love the switch-up!

Arguably there are a ton of downsides to glass -- it’s more easily broken, doesn’t keep the water cold, doesn’t hold as much volume, etc.

So maybe this isn’t the best advertisement for it.

But I’m still all about it right now.

Plus, they say if you tape a positive affirmation to a glass water bottle -- facing the inside of the bottle -- the water can take on those positive properties and help you manifest your best self.

I know nothing about the science of this but don’t need to -- anything to boost joy is worthwhile to me. And this one’s a good conversation starter.

Copaiba essential oil

I’ve been selling doTERRA essential oils for almost three years now, and never tried Copaiba (pronounced co-pie-EE-buh) until recently.

doTERRA’s product, specifically, can be taken internally to help support cardiovascular, immune, nervous system, digestive, and emotional function. (I can’t speak to other brands or varieties, so confirm that yours is therapeutic grade before ingesting -- offbrand oils often have fillers or carrier oils that could be harmful if ingested.)

Known for its pleasing aroma, it’s been used in many personal care and beauty products over time. But did you know?! It also acts on our endocannabinoid system to calm the body and regulate the immune system.

If you’re someone who goes running for the sober hills every time you hear the word “cannabinoid,” you can be comforted knowing this compound does not have any psychoactive properties (which only comes with the THC compounds, mostly found within marijuana plants/derivatives and in low doses in full spectrum hemp products).

I use this oil on my lower abdomen if I get menstrual cramps (along with Clary Sage), I take it internally if I get anxious, and I diffuse it multiple nights a week to promote sound and restful sleep. I can’t get enough of this oil -- it’s my personal favorite, next to Vetiver, which I also love for its aroma and relaxing qualities.

Put those two together in a diffuser and you’ve got dreamy magic.

Bonus -- doTERRA makes Copaiba Softgels for easy internal support! You can take a look here for more info and to purchase any products.

Cashew butter and dark chocolate

Why cashews? And why the bitter chocolate?

I am sensitive to legumes (like peanuts) so I can’t eat peanut butter. I know, bummer, right? Not so fast: this food sensitivity made me branch out to other nut butters, and cashew butter was the first “Paleo” food I ever tried, way back in the day. The OG ancestral health influencer (cashew butter, that is).

Don’t knock it til you try it, and don’t be stuck in the notion that peanut butter is the end-all, be-all -- like I mentioned, peanuts are technically legumes, not nuts, which can cause inflammatory reactions for some folks (thinking beyond the common peanut allergy -- it can lead to things like intestinal permeability, inflammation, etc.) and often carry aflatoxins as a natural defense. There are better nut butter options out there that are less of a hassle while packing way more of a health boost.

I’m also sensitive to dairy so I’m very selective about what dark chocolates I can consume. I’ve recently become obsessed with this brand’s dairy-free line, but as a general rule, as long as the cacao percentage is 70% or above, I’m into it. If you’re daring, the 90-95% cacao chocolates are absolutely heavenly -- a flavor unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

It might sound weird, but it’s an amazing combination, for the following reasons:

  1. It combines a little salty, a little bitter, and a little sweet all into one snack, and you only need a couple squares and a total of a tablespoon or two to be satisfied.

  2. It’s quick, easy, no mess, no prep, and relatively inexpensive (assuming you stick to the serving size mentioned).

  3. It can be added to a charcuterie board.

  4. Goes great with coffee.

  5. Also goes great with wine.

  6. You seriously need more reasons?

Well, that’s all for this volume, folks.

What are YOU into right now?! Are you going to try any of the above? Let me know — comment below and share with someone who might love this new information!